Chiropractic Tips for Sportspeople & Athletes in Adelaide

- We use a three pronged approach to help sportspeople and athletes in Adelaide: (1) Reduce Injury Recovery Time, (2) Reduce Chance of Injuries, (3) Improve Performance
- Chiropractic can help with injuries by improving your recovery rate
- A well functioning spine and nervous system from Chiropractic care will reduce your chances of injury
- A 2010 study of VFL players found a decrease in lower limb muscle strain from 28% down to just 4% under Chiropractic care
- Chiropractic can help improve your performance
- Most Olympic teams, a majority of PGA tour golfers and all of the American football teams have an official team Chiropractor to ensure they perform at their best
Visit our blog for the latest tips and info to maximise your family’s health.