Your Chiropractic Care Visits
Your initial visits to our Spinecare Chiropractic clinics are to investigate and examine your spine and health in the initial consultation and thoroughly explain those results to you during your report of findings.Once your happy with our investigations and understand exactly what is our agreed recovery plan, we can begin your road back to optimal health and spinal function.
All Spinecare Chiropractic clinics use a number of chiropractic techniques to safely work on your spine and improve your nervous system function. Each visit to our clinics should virtually be a pain free experience.
A common question we often get asked is, “is it going to hurt?” The simple answer is definitely.. No! One of the best ways that newer technologies have helped us, is to create safer and more comfortable ways to work on your spine and body.
Any visit to a chiropractic clinic should be as professional and as attentive as the last. This is a firm belief we hold within our group and all of our Spinecare chiropractors do their utmost to make sure every chiropractic care visit is of the highest standard we strive to achieve. These visits should always be professional, safe, enjoyable and relaxed.