
Your Initial Consultation

Your initial consultation visit to one of our clinics will be a welcoming, pleasant experience in a supportive and comfortable environment. When you first arrive to the clinic, you will be greeted by one of our friendly chiropractic assistants (CA’s) and welcomed to the practice. After filling out the necessary initial consultation forms, our chiropractic assistants will invite you through to meet the chiropractor in our office.

History Examination

The first step in a thorough chiropractic consultation is to take a complete history examination. Our Spinecare chiropractors find it best to start by letting you, tell us, exactly what is going on and how we might best be able to help you. Our chiropractors will ask you questions about your main problems and also about other aspects of your health. This is to give us a more complete picture of your overall levels of stress, function and wellbeing. This may also reveal some areas of your health you didn’t know chiropractic may be able to help you with.

Initial Consultation Visit

Paraspinal Thermal Imaging

Our history examination will be followed by a thermal imaging scan. Our paraspinal thermal imaging technology measures skin temperatures over the spine and provides us with information on the function of the autonomic nervous system. The nervous system is the master control system of the body and vital to overall health. More information on thermal imaging can be found on it’s dedictaed page by clicking the following link – Paraspinal Thermal Imaging

Your Initial Consultation

Orthopeadic and Range of Motion

Once our thermal scan is complete, the chiropractor will perform an orthopeadic and range of motion examination. This will involve your movements and spinal function being assessed. This will provide our chiropractors with even more information on how different areas, regions or joints in the spine, pelvis and body are moving and functioning.

Further Neurological Testing

In some cases, the need for further neurological examination may also be required and may involve checking your reflexes, sensation, muscle strength, balance and co-ordination. Cranial nerves that come directly from the head can also be tested if necessary.

Chiropractic Examination

Our Spinecare chiropractors will also perform their own various testing procedures to look for changes, tightness or dysfunction throughout the body. These may include leg length discrepancy, posture examination, gait or walking ability, spinal and muscle tenderness, flexability or bilateral weight scale measurement.

Initial Consultation Visit

Chiropractic X-Ray Imaging

Once all other examinations are complete, the chiropractor will know exactly whether an X-Ray image is required in your case. All of our Spinecare Chiropractic clinics have on-site X-Ray facilities, so these can be done immediately for your convenience. Not all cases will require X-Rays and this can only be determined once all other examinations have been performed. More information on chiropractic X-Rays can be found on it’s dedicated page by clicking the following link – Chiropractic X-Ray Imaging

The Next Step…

Once all examinations and X-Rays are taken (if required) you will be able to schedule your second visit which is known as the report of findings. It’s at this visit that our Spinecare chiropractor can throughly explain what we found and how we may best be able to help you. If X-Rays were taken, our staff will develope them on-site that day, so that your report of findings visit can be at the earliest convenience. In acute and emergency cases, it may be possible to schedule your report of findings on the same day.

More information about your report of findings can be found on it’s own dedictade page which can be found by clicking the following link or through the ‘What To Expect’ tab at the top of the page – Your Report of Findings

Your Initial Consultation Visit