
How Does Winter Affect Overall Health?

Beat the Winter Blues

Are you feeling the winter blues? Here’s some things you can do to pick yourself up.


  • During winter we often find that patients come into the practice and report they’re not feeling as they were during the summer months and this is often a case of the ‘The Winter Blues’
  • Lots of people are going through the same thing so don’t worry about it too much but there are some specific things that you can look out for and improve upon
  • One common occurrence in winter is that people are getting less regular exercise and poorer diets so that’s something to keep an eye one
  • Another thing to watch out for is that you are getting enough Vitamin D as you’re probably getting out of the house a lot less and you’ll be all covered up when you are
  • If you’re at all worried about your health during Winter (or anytime), bring it up with us at your next visit and we can look into the possible causes and look at some ways to make improvements

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