
…but why? How to tap into the most powerful motivation of all.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, ‘He who has a why can endure any how’, and as people everywhere commit to New Year resolutions, it’s the why that will determine if they stick.

Have you ever…

…rolled over and hit snooze?

…ever said ‘I’ll start tomorrow!’ before plowing through a tub of ice cream?

…felt unmotivated to exercise, meditate, get up earlier, take a course or even correct your posture?

Perhaps it’s not laziness.

Perhaps it’s a lack of why.

Tapping into your intrinsic desire to do something – your ‘why’ – is a powerful, and oft overlooked precursor to sustaining positive change.

Think of it this way: you can ‘know’ how disastrous smoking is for your health, why 30 minutes of exercise per day is essential, that you probably shouldn’t polish off those chips… but without a compelling reason why to change your behaviour, you won’t get far.

Like getting up at dawn to attend a gym class you can’t stand. Or coming home to another diet dinner that tastes bland. Your brain will start looking for reasons to stop! back out! go back to sleep! and you’ll fall off the wagon.

Unless you have an inspiring why.

Want to find yours?

Start digging.

For every goal, dig right down into your reasoning – there you’ll find the most compelling motivation of all.

Here’s what it might look like if your goal is to ‘get back to the gym’ this year.

Why do you want to commit to going to the gym?

Because I want a fitter, leaner, stronger body.

Why do you want a fitter, leaner, stronger body?

Because I want to feel confident.

Why do you want to feel confident?

Because when I do, I’m more outgoing, positive and productive, allowing me to achieve my goals.

Why do you want to achieve your goals?

Because I want to feel fulfilled in life.

Why do you want to feel fulfilled in life?

Because…. because, that’s what life’s about!

When you reach this point – the crux of the matter – it’s clear that something as simple as ‘going to the gym’ is deeply emotional.

You can’t argue with personal fulfilment, and making the connection between a healthy body and getting what you want out of life becomes the ultimate motivation.

Do you agree?

Have you found your deeper why?

What are your dreams for 2018 – and why do that matter to you?

Share with us in the comments, and let us know your thoughts in practice.