
You snooze, you win! Why sleep is vital for avoiding chronic disease, pain and obesity.

Today, we’re letting you in on an age-old health practice that treats everything from obesity to fatigue. This special therapy is great for blood pressure, protecting the heart and helping you solve sudoku. Best of all, it’s totally free and can be done anywhere – provided you’re comfortable.

Have you guessed it? We’re talking about sleep – beautiful, restorative, sometimes elusive sleep. This quiet-but-mighty health practice is easily dismissed as basic and everyday, surely too simple to be effective. However, we’re here to show you it’s anything but.

Sleep: an unsung health hero

Sleep has long been a mystery, with relatively little known about that strange, semi-conscious state we inhabit for eight hours a night. Recently, science has shed new light on why sleep matters, showing strong links between sleep quality and health.

For instance, being exposed to light at night (like a lamp left on, bright street lights or a nightlight) can promote insulin resistance and weight gain, as well as chronic diseases such as cancer.

Cognitively speaking, sleep is the time you process new information, cement memories and stay sharp. Without enough, you’re likely to be a forgetful mess – not to mention, stressed.

REM sleep gives you the ability to problem-solve and form insights, which makes the old adage ‘try sleeping on it!’ incredibly accurate.

So, if you’re battling health problems, chronic pain, injury, fatigue, or a vague sense of ill-health that you can’t quite put your finger on, you might need more sleep. Luckily, it’s one prescription on which it’s impossible to overdose.

(Speaking of prescriptions, ever wondered what chiropractors sleep on? We share our recommendation for a truly therapeutic, spine-safe mattress at the bottom of this article – plus an amazing offer – so be sure to keep scrolling!)

A world that never sleeps

The modern world, filled with technology, stimulants and shift-work, makes it tough to rest properly.

We’re bombarded with blue light from screens, sending mixed signals to the brain’s pineal gland and interrupting the production of melatonin – your #1 sleep hormone.

As well as that, high-pressure jobs often demand late-night email or additional hours, cutting into precious downtime. Social media makes it hard to switch off, and it’s easy to get stuck scrolling when you should be snoozing.

Stimulants like coffee and caffeinated drinks deplete us rather than provide real energy, causing the release of stress hormones and a vicious cycle of fatigue.

And if that wasn’t enough, our culture glorifies lack of sleep. ‘I worked till 2am last night!’, ‘I’ve had 8 hours sleep this week!’ and ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead!’ are common phrases that feed into a larger belief that rest = lazy.

Note: having kids is another story, and we fully acknowledge the tireless (and tired!) efforts of parents.

Sleep! The magical health elixir!

All that sounds pretty dire, so let’s look to the positives. Here are some great reasons to prioritise sleep – even if the rest of the world doesn’t.

✔ Sleep has anti-inflammatory effects and can help relieve chronic pain.

✔ Getting enough sleep regulates your appetite and blood sugar levels, decreasing insulin levels and protecting against heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

✔ People who sleep more live longer and generally have lower rates of stress, anxiety and depression.

✔ Sleep helps you recover from exercise, build muscle and stay motivated to move.

✔ With ample sleep, your focus, attention and problem-solving abilities are sharp as a tack.

✔ Sleep is the original beauty therapist – helping to smooth lines and wrinkles, prevent bags, improve complexion and lend a healthy, youthful glow. 

Alternatives to counting sheep

If you’re wondering how to add more hours to your sleep bank, the following tips can help you become positively rich in rest.

Set a bedtime alarm

More than one sleep expert recommends setting an alarm for going to bed, rather than waking up. According to research, sleeping at the same time each night is hugely important for getting the full benefits of sleep and boosting overnight repair.

So, how about it? Try setting a ‘bedtime alarm’ between 9 – 10:30 pm each night to cement a solid sleep pattern, and see if you feel better for it.

Embrace the darkness

By now, the downside of screens at night – sending artificial light into our eyes and stimulating our brains before bed – is widely known. However, sleep experts go one step further, suggesting that any light before or during sleep can compromise our ability to deeply rest.

For a great night’s sleep, stop using electronics a couple of hours before bed, dim the lights or opt for candles, switch off clocks or devices that send even the tiniest blip of brightness into your room, and use heavy curtains.

Stay cool

Did you know that there’s a perfect sleeping temperature? Your body likes the room to be around 18 degrees to fall asleep quickly and soundly. As a bonus, turning down the heating will reduce your power bill, too.

Step awaaaay from the caffeine

Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others, thanks to individual differences in liver function, the nervous system and genetics. However, everyone should think twice about drinking caffeine before bed – even green or black tea.

For some, even one coffee early in the day is enough to disrupt sleep cycles, so be sure to experiment with – and remove – caffeine if you suspect it’s a problem.

Your bed is sacred

From now on, your bed is a sacred sleep zone. Rather than watching TV, eating or doing work between the sheets, try to form a relaxed, restful association with your mattress. Further to that, experts recommend getting up and reading or sitting quietly if you’re struggling to fall asleep rather than tossing and turning.

Now, onto that recommendation

Three words: Regal Sleep Solutions. They stock the bee’s knees of mattresses – designed, used and recommended by chiropractors.

This Australian-made product is so therapeutic that it’s classified as a ‘medical device’ by the TGA, and each mattress is fitted to the individual to support the spine and reduce pain, stiffness and discomfort.

Instead of salespeople, Regal Sleep Solutions have qualified staff who take you through a fitting process based on your chiropractic case notes, and before you go thinking that they must be super duper expensive, we’re happy to report that these mattresses are affordable for everyone – especially with our VIP referral.

Needless to say, we’re proud to recommend – and partner with – Regal Sleep Solutions.

If you’re interested in learning more about their mattresses, or checking out their range, be sure to use our referral. It entitles you to:

✔ Up to 50% off a brand new mattress.

✔ A VIP fitting

✔ A completely tailored mattress solution that will change the way you sleep

Simply get in touch with us, and you’ll be the royal VIP treatment.

We hope all this excellent health info has inspired you to take sleep seriously, and treat it as the incredible health tonic that it is. Fuelled by ample sleep, there’s no limit to what you can achieve – so set your bedtime alarm and get snoozing!